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Friday, October 25, 2013

Andre Waters

One NFL player that was connected to the concussion topic covered in class was former Philadelphia Eagles Defensive Back Andre Waters. Waters was born on March 10, 1962 and began playing for the Eagles in 1984. Waters played for until 1995 and also played for the Arizona Cardinals in that time period. About 10 years later in 2006 Waters was found dead at his home in Florida from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. After Waters death Christopher Nowinski approached Waters family and asked to examine Waters brain tissue. Upon examining Waters brain tissue it was found that he had CTE. It was said that had Waters not passed, he would be completely incapacitated within 10 years.

5 Questions

In preperation for our conversation with Dustin Fink, author of The Concussion Blog, we were asked to list questions we have about the blog and the documentary League of Denial. 1.What are long term effects of minor concussions? 2.What made you want to become an athletic trainer? 3.How has the outcome of league of denial affected your life? 4.What made you interested in the NFL and CTE? 5. What do you think the NFL can do to help current and retired players with CTE?


Last winter Nike, a major sports brand, decided to drop its surfing athletes and transfer them to Hurley. This comes as a shock after Nike has spent countless time and money to promote surfing, including their role in two major surf contests (the Nike Lowers Pro and the US Open of Surfing) in recent years. Hurley, which has been owned by Nike since 2002, has been a prominent name in the surfing community hosting competitions and bettering the sport. As of January 1, 2013 all of Nike's athletes were transferred to Hurley, this included 8 men currently on the ASP World Tour. Although Nike will no longer sponsor surfing Hurley will honor all of the contracts in place with Nike's athletes and will continue to support surfing. In the future Nike has decided to continue making contributions to action sports of skating and snowboarding, but will hold back on surfing.

Friday, October 11, 2013

timeline of baseball's beloved A-roid

My timeline is about baseball's beloved A-roid. A-roid has had a interesting career which everyone had high expectations until he was caught in the Biogenesis scandal.

Monday, October 7, 2013


My next article is about A-rod, or A-roid as i like to call him for his past steroid usage. Recently our beloved A-roid has had some issues including a law suit he is filing against the Yankee's team doctor over an alleged "mishandling of hip injury” and a dwindling fan base because people are getting tired of him. As Gregg Doyel, a columnist for puts it "This guy is dislikably tiresome, and I'm done with him. Tired of reading about him. Tired of hearing about him." A-roid’s injury, which was an injury to his left hip joint in the 2012 AL playoffs, was found with an MRI scan; however the team doctor cleared him to return to play. It was said that this caused A-roid "Great Pain". A-roid's future doesn't look to hot for baseball, considering his next position should be the coach from The Benchwarmers, but as we all know the legal battle will last much longer than any baseball game.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Josh Freeman

The article I am writing about is covering the recent events of "kinda still a quarterback" Josh Freeman. Freeman has recently been demoted from quarterback, to one step above Adam Sandler in The Water Boy, due to his lack of skill. As if that wasn't bad enough he has now been outted as a Stage 1 participant in the NFL's drug program. Upon recent events Freeman has asked to either be traded or released from the team; however I believe that the only team that would pick him up is in the Pop Warner League. I believe that what is most interesting about this article is that this clown is still in the NFL. Aside from his evident lack of talent, if he actually tested positive for any type of illegal substance he should not be allowed to play. The use of any illegal substance should be grounds for dismissal from the team since it is a illegal act. Freeman has now been replaced by Mike Glennon, Napoleon Dynamites younger brother. Below is a picture of the new quarterback...