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Monday, October 7, 2013


My next article is about A-rod, or A-roid as i like to call him for his past steroid usage. Recently our beloved A-roid has had some issues including a law suit he is filing against the Yankee's team doctor over an alleged "mishandling of hip injury” and a dwindling fan base because people are getting tired of him. As Gregg Doyel, a columnist for puts it "This guy is dislikably tiresome, and I'm done with him. Tired of reading about him. Tired of hearing about him." A-roid’s injury, which was an injury to his left hip joint in the 2012 AL playoffs, was found with an MRI scan; however the team doctor cleared him to return to play. It was said that this caused A-roid "Great Pain". A-roid's future doesn't look to hot for baseball, considering his next position should be the coach from The Benchwarmers, but as we all know the legal battle will last much longer than any baseball game.

1 comment:

  1. give source for political cartoons

    great writing needs more facts/analysis
